Launceston Parish

Four Churches, one Parish

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Our Ministry Team

Rev'd Canon Dr Lynda Barley

Rev'd Canon Dr Lynda Barley

Lynda has lived most of her life in the south west but her Cornish family roots have become a stronger part of her ministry later in her life. University education initially took her to York University, University College, London and then Cambridge Theological Federation. She has been ordained for 27 years alongside a varied career as a statistician that began at the Bank of England working as an econometrician. She was a tutor with the Open University for 35 years and her years of ordained ministry started in Southwark diocese, London.

Lynda’s parish ministry continued back with family in the south west but she also served for eleven years as Head of Research and Statistics and coordinating Chaplain for the Archbishops Council. In addition, she was a Chaplain at Southwark Cathedral before being appointed as Canon Pastor at Truro Cathedral and priest in charge of two nearby parishes. She took on responsibilities as mayor’s chaplain and pastorally supported ministry on the Isles of Scilly. She became Rural Dean of Powder deanery having previously been a bishop’s ministry advisor and selector, and an OFSTED school inspector.

Now retired, Lynda remains a Canon Emeritus of Truro Cathedral, a school governor near Truro and a trustee of the Sheldon Retreat Centre. She is enjoying supporting parish ministry, leading Quiet Days and returning to her favourite sport of tennis while spending more time with her husband, children and young grandchildren.

Father Michael Dobson

Father Michael Dobson

Father Shane Griffiths

Father Shane Griffiths

Rev'd Sean Clancy

Rev'd Sean Clancy

Rev'd Helen Davies

Rev'd 'Helen Davies

I have worked and lived in Launceston for thirty years, having grown up in suburban London then moved to Cornwall in the 1980s and trained as a solicitor in Plymouth. I was a member of the congregation of St Mary Magdalene for many years, and involved in the life of the church and the parish in a variety of lay roles. I trained on the South West Ministry Training Course and was - when Covid permitted - ordained Deacon in September 2020.

I will serve my curacy in Launceston Parish and Boyton Benefice, usually alternate weekends, and will continue my practice as a solicitor and partner in a local law firm. I feel incredibly privileged that my ministry has a focus in the workplace, in addition to my responsibilities in parish life.

Rev'd Antony Naylor

Rev'd Antony Naylor

Rev'd Mary Williamson

Rev'd Mary Williamson

I was born and brought up in Reading and trained for teaching after my two children had started school. In 1989, I moved to Cornwall to take up my first headteacher post at Werrington School. Later, as headteacher of Meavy School in Devon, I lived in Tavistock for a while before moving back to Launceston.

Throughout my adult life, my faith has been important to me and I have been lucky that through my work and leisure activities (I was a Cub Scout Leader for many years), I have been able to share that faith with others. At various points, I have felt an overwhelming feeling that God wanted me to do more but mostly, I’ve fought against it. However by 2004, I could resist no longer and started to explore my vocation. Initially, I was terrified by the thought that my vocation might be to an ordained ministry but, if God calls, he will support. I started training with South West Ministry Training Course in 2006 and was ordained deacon in 2009 and priest in 2010. I served my curacy in Launceston Parish and was then licensed as Team Vicar until I hit the C of E magic retirement age when, ceasing to be licensed, was granted Permission to Officiate. I then moved away to serve on a House for Duty basis in Abingdon for three years before returning to my beloved adopted county in September 2019.

I am passionate about the Church’s ministry to people living with dementia and have served on the Churches Together in Cornwall Dementia Action Group as well as being a volunteer with the Launceston Memory Cafe.

Rev'd Jess Lancaster

Rev'd Jess Lancaster

After more than 20 years of running away from a calling to Ordination, I finally submitted in 2017 and I have not regretted it for one moment. Ordained ministry is an immense privilege and a real joy. Juggling it with my regular work as a classroom teacher means I do not always have the time I'd like to have, but it is amazing seeing the blessings that flow every day both in the classroom and in the ministry work. Somehow there always seems to be just about enough time. I am looking forward to seeing where God takes me next!

Brian Davis

Brian Davis

James Wonnacott

James Wonnacott

James trained locally through South West Ministry Training Course as a Reader and was licensed in 2019 in Truro Cathedral. James is based primarily in St Stephen’s Church where he is a member of the church council and cares for the maintenance of the church buildings and grounds.

James’ ministry as a Reader extends across the deanery. He enjoys taking a range of services among the many rural churches as well as supporting the united parish of Launceston. He particularly enjoys leading sung Matins or Evensong. If your church has yet to meet James, please do request his presence and he will be delighted to oblige.


Launceston Parish Churches’ Safeguarding Officer is Sarah Vinson. Please contact her for any safeguarding concerns or enquiries via the Parish Office: St Mary’s Church Hall, Tower St, Launceston, PL15 8AR on 01566 880244 or directly by email at

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